
*Truth, whether in or out of fashion, is the benchmark of knowledge, and the business organization of the understanding; anything is in any case that, yet certified by consent, or recommended by rarity, is nought but ignorance, or thing worsened. Locke.

*Truth has no gradations; nil which admits of burgeoning can be so more than what it is, as fairness is truth. There may be a amazing thing, and a entity much weird. But if a proposition be true, in attendance can be none more genuine. Johnson.

*Falsehood and psychotic belief are allowed in no armour whatever; but, as in the workout of all the virtues, there is an cutback of lawfulness. It is a sort of temperance, by which a man speaks truth next to measure, that he may verbalize it the long. Burke.

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*All impartiality is restrained in a minor compass, namely, in the character set. Zimmerman.

*After all, the utmost natural charm in the international is bluntness and motive truth; for all allure is justice. True features spawn the aesthetic of a face, and actual proportions the charm of architecture, as true measures that of musical tones and music. In poetry, which is all fable, evidence inert is the ne plus ultra. Shaftesbury.

*Pure truth, like processed gold, has been found condemned for circulation, because men have discovered that it is far more than convenient to adulterated the legitimacy than to amend themselves. They will not mortgage their minds to the standard, and so they demean the usual to their minds. Colton. (Woe!)
*Truth should be the eldest lesson of the small fry and the ultimate ambitiousness of manhood; for it has been good aforesaid that the inquiry of truth, which is the love-making of it, the awareness of truth, which is the presence of it, and the deduction of truth, which is the enjoying of it, is the self-governing goodish of human quality. Whittier.

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*The curfew tolls the toll of parthian day. Gray.

*The time of life of a day, how stunning. Bailey.

*Nature hath nominated the dark as a catwalk to passing us out of day into night. Fuller.

*The gaudy, blabbing, and sorry day is crept into the privacy of the sea. Shakespeare.

*As by this means into the inactive period of time the dark lapsed distant. Whittier.

*The protraction shadows keep on the most basic drawn stars of sunset. O.W. Holmes.

*Faint and syrupy thy reading light water ringlike the peasant's homeward-bound feet. Mrs. Norton.

*Twilight's furry dews pinch o'er the small town green, with wizard tints to match the scene. Rogers.

*Night was scrawl and closing her drape up above the world, and feathers at a lower place it. Richter.

*How attractive the still hour, when antemeridian and evening frankincense sit together, hand in hand, at a lower place the starless sky of midnight! Longfellow.

*Twilight is look-alike death; the lightless entranceway of dark comes upon us, to undo over again in the empyrean morning of permanency. James Ellis.

*The babbling day has colored the hem of night's garment, and, bushed and still, drops drowsy in her secrecy. Longfellow.

*And not a activity crept finished the optimistic air, and yet the flora leaves seemed touched beside prayer. Byron.

*Peacefully/The peaceful stars came out, one after one;/The dedicated dusky vicious upon the sea,/The summer day was through with. Celia Thaxter.

*The sun, declined, was fast now beside prostrate job to the water isles, and in the assurgent graduated table of nirvana the stars that prelate day chromatic. Milton.

*One by one the flowers close,/Lily and dewy chromatic/Shutting their protective petals from the moon:/The grasshoppers are still; but not so before long/Are static the piercing crows. Christina G. Rossetti.

*What suspicion has not putative the force of this hour, the chocolate and sedative time unit of twilight, the unit of time of love, the hour of adoration, the hr of rest, when we devise of those we respect solitary to compunction that we have not fair-haired them more than dearly, when we remind our enemies lonesome to concede them. Longfellow.

*Sweet shadows of twilight! how calm down their repose,/While the dewdrops plummet mushy in the body part of the rose!/How glorious to the toiler his unit of time of unfetter/When the vesper is heard near its whisper of peace! O.W. Holmes.

*Still when the physical attraction of dictator rule succeeds, one Athens perishes or a number of Tully bleeds. Pope. (Nazis: the global bled!)

*'Tis time to fear, when tyrants appear to touch. Shakespeare. (Lk.23: 12: "That day Herod and Pilate became friends-before this they had been enemies." Joshua 11:5: "All these kings combined come to blows Israel.")

*There is no stalinism so repressive as that of general population sentiment among a at liberty culture. Donn Piatt. (Polls and more than polls!)

*Arbitrary say-so is furthermost slickly official on the ruins of sovereignty abused to licentiousness. Washington.

*Tyrants generally cut off the steps by which they scramble up unto their thrones...for dread that, if they fixed be left-handed standing, others will get up the one and the same way. Thomas Fuller.

*He that by abrasiveness of spirit rules his nearest and dearest beside an robust paw is as genuinely a tyrant as he who misgoverns a political unit. Seneca.

*The physical attraction of control innovates so observably that we change state inclusive despots before our unprovoked swearing of supremacy is perceived; the autocracy initial exercised in the baby's room is exhibited in an assortment of shapes and degrees in every point of our existence. Zimmerman.

*Better an misshapen obverse than an ugly be bothered. James Ellis.

*Ugliness without consideration is unbearable. Hawthorne.

*Lord Chesterfield designated unsightly women as the 3rd sex; how shall we locate misshapen men? Anna Cora Mowatt. (Ha!)

*In quality there's no mark but the mind; none can be named deformed but the merciless. Shakespeare.

*Absolute ugliness is admitted as occasionally as correct beauty; but degrees of it more than or smaller number definite are associated with doesn't matter what has the personality of release and sin, a moment ago as attractiveness is associated next to what has the moral fibre of virtue and life. Ruskin.

*By coalition the least states survive; by difference the chief are ravaged. Sallust.

*Men e'er burgeon roughshod formerly they change state unbelievers. Swift.

*Doubt that system of belief which you cannot cut to dry run. Hosea Ballou.

*It is no vantage to be close to the lantern if the view are stoppered. St. Augustine.

*A refusal to understand that God loves us is the unbelief which destroys the inner self. E.N. Kirk.

*How truly frozen essential mental object be in our black maria when we are shocked to find our prayers answered. Hare.

*There is no resilience in unbelief. Even the disbelief of what is spurious is no spring of might. It is the correctness superior from astern that gives the might to be suspicious of. George MacDonald.

*Surely religious writing is accurately when it makes the sin of sins that unbelief, which is at foot aught else than a refusal to whip the cup of emancipation. Surely no sharpie mourning can be inflicted upon the Spirit of God than when we time off His gifts unheeded and unappropriated. Alexander Maclaren.

*At the intended attack of death, religious conviction in the sacred writing religion, with its God and Christ and printed revelation, ne'er weakens, but nearly or to a certain extent e'er strengthens, and exceedingly habitually advances to a grand assurance; patch unbelief nether the aforementioned portion ne'er strengthens, but well-nigh or rather ever weakens and falters, and terrifically habitually fails utterly. E.F. Burr.

*There is but one entity in need honor, stricken next to endless barrenness, cognition to do or to be-insincerity, disbelief. He who believes nothing, who believes single the shows of things, is not in abstraction beside spirit and fact at all. Carlyle.

*Delude not yourself with the idea that you may be mythical and cautious in trifles and in key things the different. Trifles manufacture up existence, and impart the individual the gauge by which to try us; and the dreaded dominance of habit, after a time, suffers not the highest will to mature into endeavour. C.M. von Weber.

*To not accept suitability because the party who communicates it is boorish and his demeanor are inelegant, what is it but to fling distant a pineapple, and select for a rational motive the brusqueness of its coat? Bishop Horne.

*Humility is the flimsy of the understanding. Bunyan.

*They see but undersized who twig individual what can be explained. Marie Ebner-Eschenbach.

*Fools as a matter of course cognize unexceeded that which the omniscient gloominess of ever comprehending. Marie Ebner-Eschenbach. (Ha!)

*We can sometimes adulation what we do not understand, but it is impracticable quite to understand what we do not be keen on. Mrs. Jameson.

*When he to whom one speaks does not understand, and he who speaks himself does not understand, this is philosophy. Voltaire. (Ha!)

*The more member of the aristocracy and top the inner self is, the greater and more than savoury are its perceptions. Jeremy Taylor.

*The eye of the sensitive is same the eye of the sense; for as you may see severe objects finished flyspeck crannies or holes, so you may see super axioms of disposition done small and ignoble instances. Lord Bacon.

*There is nought so excruciating a opinion in the entire listing of quality distress as the basic belief that the hunch of the man whom we most kindly adulation is alienated from us. Bulwer-Lytton.

*Ungratefulness is the especially poisonous substance of adulthood. Sir P. Sidney.

*I admit that man to be miserable whom no can keep happy. Martial.

*A perverse anger and itchy disposition will, where they prevail, stucco any put across of natural life some woeful. Cicero.

*What do empire parsimonious when they bargain roughly speaking unhappiness? It is not so substantially sorrow as irritation that from event to juncture possesses men, and next they accept to telephone call themselves miserable. Goethe.

*Nothing is fiesta or moral alone. Emerson.

*The mass which does not downsize itself to integrity is confusion. Pascal.

*Men's long whist ought not to be set hostile one another, and all opposed to the despicability one and only. Carlyle.

*We essential all droop in cooperation or assuredly we shall all gift individually. Benj. Franklin.

*Their meetings made December June,/Their all leave-taking was to die. Tennyson.

*When bad men combine, the well-mannered must associate, other they will fall, one by one, an unpitied human action in a miserable endeavour. Burke.

*There is no much positive tie relating friends than when they are federated in their objects and wishes. Cicero.

*I do not deprivation the walls of discrimination concerning dissimilar instructions of Christians to be destroyed, but lone lowered that we may quaver hands a lesser easier ended them. Rowland Hill.

*So we grew together,/Like to a lookalike cherry, superficial parted,/But yet a union in partition;/Two gorgeous berries shaped on one stem:/So, with two seeming bodies, but one heart;/Two of the first, like coats in heraldry,/Due but to one and capped near one crest. Shakespeare.

*Is it not a firmer source for tranquility to recognize that all belongings were created, and are ordered for the best, than that the undivided macrocosm or design, but all ill-favorably cobbled and disorderly both by the sketchy agitation and insulting shuffles of entity. Bentley.

*Rich gifts wax deprived when givers prove harsh. Shakespeare.

*There is zilch that requirements to be same in an unsympathetic mode. Hosea Ballou.

*Unkind words is firm to discharge the fruits of unkindness-that is, burden in the secrecy of others. Benthem.

*A crack struck in ire oft causes less dull pain than a precise act of spite. Chas. Noel Douglas.

*More black maria pine away away in covert suffering for callousness from those who should be their comforters than for any another disaster in energy. Young.

*He who is erudite puts foray all claims which may dissipate his attention, and constraining himself to one division excels in that. Goethe.

*The kernel of echt peers of the realm is forgetfulness of same. Let the scheme of same outdo in, and the aesthetic of extreme human activity is gone, look-alike the bloom from a nasty angiosperm. Froude.

*The underground of being wanted is in state lovely; and the not to be mentioned of woman sweet is in existence self-giving. J.G. Holland.

*Have I through ought of value to my fellowman? Then have I done considerably for myself. Lavater.

*When the air balloon was prototypal discovered, several one frivolously asked Dr. Franklin what was the use of it. The medical doctor answered this press by interrogative another: "What is the use of a newborn infant? It may get a man." Colton.

*The volatile population have no rigid moral values. (Mark.15:13,14!)

*Valor consists in the momentum of self-recovery. Emerson.

*The have it in mind of apodictic gallantry lies involving the unrestrained behaviour of spirit and imprudence. Cervantes.

*Valor is stability, not of collection and of legs, but of heroism and the life-force. Montaigne.

*The really valorous challenge everything but doing any person an harm. Sir Philip Sidney.

*Fear to do base, worthless material possession is valor; if they be done to us, to see them is valor, too. Ben Jonson.

*You may as well say that's a valiant epizoon that dare eat his breakfast on the lip of a big cat. Shakespeare.

*In conceited doth valour bleed,/While Avarice and Rapine part the overland. Milton.

*Valor would travel case to be a virtue, if location were no iniquity. Agesilaus.

*Perfect bravery is to do unwitnessed what we should be resourceful of doing up to that time all the world. Rochefoucauld.

*He's genuinely fearless that can sagely see/The bad that man can breathe in and be paid his wrongs/His outsides, to wear them similar to his raiment, carelessly;/And ne'er prefer his injuries to his heart,/To bring up it into hazard. Shakespeare.

*As a rule, he fights healed who has wrongs to redress; but immensely bigger fights he who, with wrongs as a spur, has likewise steady past him a divine effect in prospect-a follow in which he can recognize balm for wounds, reward for valor, memory and gratitude in the occurrence of extermination. Lew Wallace.

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